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Latest Trademark Filings

Pet treats in the form of spreadable peanut butter Furniture; Furniture for motor homes; Furniture made from steel tubing; Furniture parts; Furniture, ... Athletic training services; athletic assessment services; athletic movement analysis services; movem...
Educational services, namely, ... Microphones; Webcams; Car video recorders; Computer hardware and peripheral devices; Data cables; El... development of industrial real estate, namely, urban business parks
Electric portable and foldable... Decorative wall hangings, not of textile Cosmetics and personal care products, namely, lipstick in solid or liquid form, lip liner, lip care ...
DC generators; Electric genera... Scientific research and development; product development; product research and development; research... Gripsacks; Backpacks; Backpacks, book bags, sports bags, bum bags, wallets and handbags; Bags made o...

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